Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free Help?

Good quote I heard this week on the Dennis Prager Show, in relation to the government: "Every helping hand is a controlling hand." I was already told this week that this was very cynical, and maybe it is, but I think it is more realistic than anything, especially since it came in the context of "government help." Ever heard or read the line, "Relax, I'm from the Government. I'm here to help?" They probably aren't going to help, and they almost always want something in return.

The government doesn't give anything for free. There are usually more than tax in place or coming to cover the cost. Education isn't free, whether it's grammar school where property is generally taxed, state/Federal loans come with interest and now Barry wants the gov. to take over the whole student loan market. If you want a loan for college, you're going to have to give a few years in "public service" (read "Youth Corps" or "Brown Shirts"). Welfare and government housing aren't totally free. The gov. wants something in return or wants to tell you how to live. In most areas, guns are prohibited in public housing complexes. Can anyone explain the rationale there, let along the legality? The NRA just settled a lawsuit in January of this year with the San Francisco Housing Authority which had a inserted a clause in their lease ducments that banned guns in the public housing residences. They have agreed to remove the provisions and admited that they are not lawful. Score one for the good guys.

Personally, I think this can apply to other areas of life as well. I do not like being in debt to others, especially financially. I believe the adage that "the borrower is slave to the lender."

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