Monday, May 4, 2009

Arlen, Arlen, Arlen......

I have to admit I haven't followed the career of Arlen very much, up until last fall, so I've been doing some reading on the guy. What a creep. Weasel. Worm. Spineless. What else? First he was a Democrat, but ran with a Republican. Then switched to the GOP. Lost an election, won, lost, won, etc.

Just days before the switch, he said he would not leave the GOP because he thought he "played an important role" in maintaining a balance between the parties in the Senate. I guess a few promises from the Donkeys and/or the fear of having to enter private life again can make a weak man jettison his principles and character. Maybe this is his character, he already switched once in his career. Maybe he doesn't have any principles. Specter claimed the Republicans moved too far to the right for him to stay in the party. Who is he kidding? Who believes that? The Republicans have moved left in the last 20 years in an attempt to "expand the party" and increase membership. Our friggin' Presidential nominee wrote a pro-amnesty bill for illegal immigrants, wrote and passed a campaign finance "reform" bill that ended up hurting him and hurts the country in general, in pro-cap-n-trade / global warming "fix" and wouldn't take the fight to his political opponent on real and legitimate issues due to fears of not being politically correct or insensitve or whatever his lame excuse was. Specter was just making shit up to try to cover his butt and blame others for his lack of will and courage.

Arlen said in his presser announcing his latest switch, "I am not prepared to have my 29 year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate." Wow! Honesty! Too bad he is proclaiming that this move isn't about issues, but is really about saving his own political ass.

So now he gives the Dems 59 votes. After the Minnesota disgrace, Stuart Smalley, gets into the Senate, they Dems will, for all intents and purposes, have the necessary 60 votes to push through any piece of crap legislation they want. EFCA - get ready. Socialized medicine - start taking your vitamins now and pray you don't get sick. Taxes, Federal debts, gun control, more welfare, anti-business legislations of all kind, the most liberal Supreme Court in decades coming into being and presiding for the next several decades to come, etc. etc. But Arlen says he's not going to be the automatic 60th vote. He doesn't have to be. He has Maine Senators Snowe and Collins to pick up the vote for him.

On the not-so-dark side, now everything that passes through the Senate that royally screws up the country will almost entirely have to be owned by the Dems. I doubt there are any clear thinkers outside the MSM who think Snowe and Collins will really count as republican votes or make any bill "bi-partisan."

It really is amazing what people will do to save themselves. He never was a Conservative and rarely voted like one. Specter had the balls this weekend to claim that the GOP is somehow to blame for Jack Kemp's death by not funding medical research. But in the next breath says that he has benefited from such research. The National Cancer Institute had a $4.8 billion budget in fiscal 2008 and has had in excess of $80 Bn since the early 1970's. This guy's a joke. The Dems are going to use him and then sabbotage him in the 2010 Democratic Primary. Who in their right mind is going to vote for him?

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