Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Selling & Buying a House
I don't like the idea of random folks walking through my house and critiquing it. But I guess enough folks need to like it in order to generate an acceptable offer. I guess we did a good enough job since we have a contract pending after almost no time on the market.
Another reason I don't like folks walking through my house, is simply because I don't trust people in general. "People" tend to have sticky fingers and wandering eyes. I don't like having to hide things I don't want them to see/take (now or later) in my own house.
I also don't care too much for the games of "negotiating" the purchase price - list, offer, counter, counter w/ conditions, counter the counter w/ new conditions and concessions, etc. etc.
It is pretty overwhelming at times to think that this decision on where to live will impact so many (all?) facets of your life. It is fair to say that it is something you shouldn't screw up.
Looking at a new house you obviously look at the age of the house, commute to/from work, the square footage, the school district (if applicable) foundation, number of rooms, lot drainage, morning/evening sun, yadda yadda yadda. But you may also look at storage, spare room for long term guests, extra storage space, access to grocery stores, gas stations, banks, major roads, back roads, hunting / gardening spots, access routes to friends and family, access to alternate water source, home entry/exit points, trees/shrubs near doors and windows, choke/bottleneck points in the house like long hallways, etc. etc.
As with all things in life, it is best to have a plan in place before you need to have and execute that plan. Even a quick trip to Kroger for some Early Times can turn into a life changer. So can a short ride in an antique Rolls limo across a bridge into a bassackwards state. So pay attention and have a plan. Be prepared mentally even if you aren't physically. I'm still formulating a plan on this little endevour; should have already been done, but I'm working from behind the curve a bit.
Serious, if rambling, post - but hey, no Glenn Beck clips today.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Prepare Now For When TSHTF....It's Coming
Look at these projected numbers.....more bad news on the way for the housing market. How many more foreclosures are going to hit the market after those ARMs reset? Do you think Nanny is going to be able to buy up that mess too? Might as well print more bills and sell more bonds (if you can), it's all funny money now.

At about time mark 2:27 Pat Caddell hits the nail square on the head.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Read this blog post
"It's amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people yourself is compassion. Voting for our government to use force to take money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness."
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Exclusive: Joseph Farah to Americans: Don't think serfdom can't happen here
By Joseph Farah
I'm not going to make the case that America under Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress has become a totalitarian police state.
But, I will make the case that Washington is leading us in that direction.
What do you call it when the government asks its supporters to "snitch" on opponents of its policies?
What do you call it when the government wants to monitor broadcasts and establish itself as the guardian of "fairness" on the airwaves?
What do you call it when the government seeks to take over the private and personal health-care decisions of the people – establishing bureaucracies to make life-and-death decisions and banning unapproved transactions between doctors and patients?
What do you call it when the government hires and fires the top executives of major corporations and redirects their corporate policies?
What do you call it when government officials refuse to turn over documents necessary to establishing whether they are constitutionally eligible to hold office?
What do you call it when the government funds political extremist groups that have broken the law in successful efforts to empower leaders?
What do you call it when the government turns the Census, designed as a tool to ensure representative government, into a weapon designed to spy on the most personal aspects of the life of citizens?
What do you call it when the government becomes the sole arbiter of whether you can keep some of any of the wealth you accumulated legally?
What do you call it when the government ignores the laws of the land and replaces them with the arbitrary whims of men?
What do you call it when the government picks and chooses winners and losers in the business marketplace?
What do you call it when the government strikes fear into the hearts of the sovereign citizens it is supposed to serve?
What do you call it when the government metes out punishment not just for criminal actions, but for "criminal thoughts"?
What do you call it when honest and open expressions of dissent are characterized as the expressions of "angry mobs"?
What do you call it when government-created joblessness is used to promote policies of government control?
What do you call it when the government exceeds its authority under the Constitution and ignores any limits on its power?
I don't know about you, but I call those questions harbingers of totalitarianism.
(Column continues below)
That's where America is headed – maybe not today, tomorrow or next week, but soon, if this trend continues.
Everything for which America has stood for the last 230 years is under attack – not by angry mobs, not citizen lawlessness, not from threats by external enemies, but from those in charge of government.
A top-down revolution is under way – and far too many in the "watchdog media," the courts, the opposition party, the churches, the military, the local and state government and the citizenry are just standing around doing nothing, saying nothing.
That's how it begins. That's how it always begins.
Americans tend to think "it can't happen here." In truth, America's unique experiment with freedom has been brief. It not only can happen here, it will happen here, unless the American public once again becomes vigilant about protecting liberty, unless it rediscovers the principles upon which this great nation was founded and unless it turns to God as its rightful and only king rather than submit to servitude by earthly masters.
It's really that simple.
Profound changes are under way. They are on fast-forward. Americans are being seduced into a serfdom and slavery.
The specter of totalitarianism hovers like a dark cloud dressed up in euphemisms that would make Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong proud.
Recognize what is on the horizon. Recognize what is around the corner. Recognize what is surely coming our way.
Pray that America is worthy of escaping, for a time, the fate of every previous empire in the history of the world.
Get your vacation photos on your phone! Click here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Few Random Thoughts
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Two Stories I Ran Across in the News / Blogosphere
So.....criminals are finding it easier to commit burglary to obtain a firearm in the form of a shotgun. Huh, the criminal is the one using the legally owned firearm for illegal purposes including hold-ups, car-jackings and murder.
Then, I cruise over to another blog, where I find a link to this story. (I also found this one too.) Sir Nanny (or Lady Nanny?) wants to install closed circuit TV in "private" homes in an attempt to "make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables." What the f* is that all about? Apparently, Nanny now really wants to be a nanny. Some more quotes from the article outlining the plan:
"the kids and their families will be forced to sign “behavior contracts”
which will “set out parents’ duties to ensure children behave and do their
"The idea is that, if a child has a more stable home life, he
or she will be less likely to stray into crime and drugs."
How long before the installed cameras are used to lock up parents for disciplining their children, feeding them junk food, letting them spend too much time in front of the TV or playing video games, etc? Or to confiscate legally-owned shotguns for the "protection" of the subjects? Good luck with that one, chaps. Really, good luck!
Nanny Calls Summit on Texting While Driving
"The Obama administration will convene a summit of experts to figure out what to do about the problem of texting while driving."
Experts? Teen-aged girls? Seriously, who is an expert on this? This kind of crap drives me insane!The follows right in line w/ increasing taxes on tobacco, sodas, fast food, output of atmospheric gases, transportation(oil and gasoline), heating and cooling (coal). Nanny Barry wants to legislate your personal activity to control your life and dictate your activities to meet their ideological goals. Before inauguration day some pundits conjectured that Barry wanted to be loved, be a great President and get a second term. I say they are wrong; that was Billy Jeff Clinton, the glory hound. Barry is an ideologue. He wants to "transform" the country - his words, not mine.
That is why, I believe, he and Rahm and Nancy and Reid and all the other Reds in DC are rushing everything to the floor for votes. The transparency they so loudly boasted was coming under Democrat rule died before it ever saw the light of day. Not one piece of proposed legislation has been posted online for the 48 or 72 hours of review they claimed it would be. Barry and his ilk want to hurry and push through as much transformational legislation that we will have a very tough time overturning legislatively - if ever. They also know that if they get the unions more power and money they are almost ensured re-election in perpetuity. They can do this through EFCA, immigration "reform" (read: amnesty for illegals), government giveaways, control (manipulation) of the census.
They see money as power and they want both. They'll tax you into oblivion, then give you your money back as they see fit - only for doing the things they want you to do. Make no mistake, taxes are going up on everyone - indirect taxes you'll pay in the form of higher prices and income taxes. Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
And the Results are In....
And here's one from one of the best guitar pickers ever.
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Event for Me
The match took place at a club about 30-35 minutes from my house, so the drive wasn't too back for an early weekend morning. The match was modeled on IPSC rules, which as I understand them, are a bit more lax than IDPA rules and regs. I arrived early and had plenty of time to listen and learn. After sign-up, group assignment, a new-shooter orientation and full gear and ammo load-up, we were off to our first stage.
I immediately noticed that I was nearly the most "green" competitor in terms gear - gun, holster, bag, clothing, etc. I had no logos, no tricked out gun w/ over sized scope, cleats, hi-tech glasses, head-mounted camera, etc. I do wish I'd had the bag, more appropriate clothing and possibly the cleats. I was by no means the youngest shooter. Two kids in the group ahead of us appeared to be 12 and 14/15. They seemed to do pretty well for their age, but I have no idea how long they've been shooting. One needed to step down from the caliber and sized gun he was shooting. Just my opinion.
On the advice of my safety trainer, I asked the group's scorer to move my sheets farther down in the group so I'd have some time to watch and learn. (I'd be regretting this on the last stage of the day, when I just wanted to shower and eat a meal.)
I noticed quickly that the strategy you choose to take to engage the targets can make all the difference and taking the route others take isn't wise if you don't' have the skills.
The first scenario / stage we had to conquer, required the shooter to start w/ palms on a wall, 4'W X 8' H, then upon buzzer engage 3 targets on either side of wall w/ double-taps and 2 steel poppers w/ one mandatory reload. I showed my inexperience and nervousness by yanking my magazine holder off my waist (new equipment that held the mags pretty tight and was on my jeans, not belt) then nearly broke the 180 degree rule during my reload as I had to use two hands. Left hand on the new mag, right hand, with pistol, grabbed the mag pouch, and muzzle points left, nearly 180 degrees. Not a good move to make if you want to stick around, but I made it through - probably because I was a newbie and the RO (Range Offiers) cut me a break.
So 4+ hours later, 5 stages, 120 rounds, 3-4 mag jams (all my fault for not seating them fully), 2 granola bars, a sense of accomplishment and the realization that my active shooting skills are somewhat lacking, I was glad to be heading home.
There were some pretty good folks involved and with all levels of skill, competitiveness, reasons for being there, etc. I was invited to go to another competition in the area this next weekend, but think I'll take some time to practice. I had previously scheduled another match in Oct. that follows the IDPA rules, so I think I have some rules studying to do to get ready for that one.
All in all, it was a good time. The competition aspect was refreshing and reminded me of shooting archery back in college. I'll be back at in the near future.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Nothing to say....really.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Local Idiocy = Federal Idiocy
Our local city council in their infinite wisdom, prudence and logical forethought relied on a $3M grant from the Fed to fund city police and fire services in an effort to close the $20M budget deficit. (There is also a $40M deficit projected for next year. How much do you want to bet it turns out to be bigger?) Guess what? Shocker of all shockers, the grant didn’t come through. This is the same city council that tried to close last year’s deficit in part by installing red light cameras to catch local taxpayers running red lights, then mail tickets to the car’s registered owner (maybe not the driver), to raise funds (hidden tax) instead of cutting costs. Great idea folks.
This little ploy to threaten to lay off cops and firefighters is very similar to the California legislators “worrying” that great state may have to lay off teachers and cops and open up the prison doors in order to cut costs. They still haven’t done it months later.
But back to The ‘Nati… I understand that in bad times all departments need to make sacrifices, but that is only after all unnecessary programs have been slashed and/or killed. This is definitely not the case. They found it necessary to put in $3M for a new environmental department for a 4th layer of EPA-type oversight (isn’t $3M what the supposed grant was for?), they want to give section 8 housing in a new riverfront commercial / condo development downtown, etc. and they are pursuing a trollycar / streetcar on a fixed track route. This would cost at least $100M, all for a downtown area near a part of town recently ranked #1 on deadliest neighborhoods list in the nation?! WTF?? Talk about an Epic Fail if that goes through. How many tourist and suburbanites are gonna be mugged or killed on the streetcar if they build it? We’re already claiming we can’t afford the cops and extra jail space. (The voters did turn down a wopping tax increase to build a new jail, but if they could have come up with a plan for a jail at a reasonable price, it would have gotten the votes.)
There is still a little problem of a $7M deficit that they haven’t addressed – and have gone into a summer recess. I had this very short exchange on Twitter with a member of city council. The first 3 were posted before I logged in to check the updates.
Council Member: Sigh. Another suburbanite telling Enq street car is wasteful and analysis needed. Well, we did anlysis, which is why we want to build it.
Council Member: Maybe city residents should start complaining more about the billions we spend on sprawl highways to subsidize your suburban lifestyle?
Council Member: Well, we want an urban lifestyle here--based in transit, not 3-car garages.
Me (ajh1836): @Council Member: urban life=hi pop density. you have 2 clamp dwn on crime b4 any1 agrees 2 live dwntwn & use streetcar sys. can't RiF cops.
Council Member:(By Direct message) Well, 64 percent of our budget goes to public safety--$103 mill to CPD. Obviously this Council prioritizes safety.
Me (ajh1836): (By Direct Message) Yet Council threatens 2 layoff cops & firefighters because foolishly relied on gov grant? Politcal tactic? other cuts (enviro dept) better.
And then the conversation was ended. Why didn’t he (or likely his aide) respond? Notice how “they” responded by direct message, out of the public timeline? Easier to be snarky and make misleading assertions where the public won’t see. Pathetic,but not unexpected.

--- ---- - - - -- ----
Every move the Congress and President have made over the last year (obviously longer, but we’ll stick to recent events) has been about control. Not the welfare of the people or the future of the country. As the Fed amasses more power and takes oversight of, stock in, and partnerships with, private business we’re further down the fascist road. How many “leaders” move in and out of government and private sector jobs in big corporations? Goldman Sachs, Fannie/ Freddie, SEIU, AFL-CIO, ACORN, etc, etc. And the state / local level politicians, and Congressional Reps grovel for scraps of bailout and stimulus money, “sweeteners” (aka bribes), selling their states and constituents out in hopes of getting enough dollars for the next campaign and enough uninformed voters to keep them in power.
“I know of no safe repository of the ultimate power of society but people. And if we think them not enlightened enough, the remedy is not to take the power from them, but to inform them by education.” – Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Uh-oh....not the change he was talking about.

So, maybe, just maybe the American Sheeple and starting to wake up and say to themselves, "This doesn't seem right. Maybe this isn't what I bargained for when I flushed my vote down the toilet and let the patients run the asylum." I hope I'm right and the tide is turning. Only time will tell, but it may already be too late save the ship.
And some random notes from the news......
Holy crap. Big Nance did something I actually agree with. Don't know why she did it, and for now, I don't care. This Rep. Jackson-Lee is a whack-job. She's been pimping this resolution so much it is sickening. Check out this nice recap at As a bonus you'll get to see Rep. Peter King (R-NY) turn a nice little partiotic piece into a great tirade against MJ and the media. I don't agree with the guy on everything he says and does, but on this one, I think he's pretty much got it down.
Of course the money is going to those who put him in office. I don't necessarily think there is anything conspiratorial going on here. Like the article says, they are just signing checks and sending them out to whoever asks and maybe qualifies. If you look at a breakdown of the '08 Presidential voting like this one, with the county bubbles and county leaders filters, you see that Barry won in the NE, Midwest and West coast where there are large cities and mostly urban population centers. So if you ship the money off to big cities blindly, you end up giving the money to those who voted for you.
Why I’m a Libertarian Nut Instead of Just a Nut
I don’t speak for all Libertarians any more than Sean Penn speaks for all Democrats. I’m not even sure my LP membership card is up to date. I’ve voted Libertarian as long as I can remember but I don’t really remember much before the Clintons and the Bushes. Those clans made a lot of us bugnutty. When I go on Glenn’s show he calls me a Libertarian, I think that’s my only real credential.
There are historical reasons and pragmatic reasons to be a Libertarian, but there are historic and pragmatic reasons to be a Democrat, a Republican or a Socialist. I don’t know if everyone would be better off under a Libertarian government. I don’t know what would be best for anyone. I don’t even know what’s best for me. What makes me Libertarian is I don’t think anyone else really knows what’s best for anyone. My argument for Libertarianism is simple - personal morality.
I start with the Declaration of Independence: “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” So, essentially our government does what they do with my consent.
I know barely enough about Max Weber to type his name into Google, but it seems he’s credited with asserting the idea that the state has a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force. I put those two ideas together (my consent and use of physical force) and figure we all give our government the right to use force. So, the way I figure, it’s not okay for our government to use force in any situation where I personally wouldn’t use force.
For example, if I’m not willing to kill a cute cow, I shouldn’t eat steak. I don’t have to kill Bessy right now with my bare hands, but I have to be willing to snuff her if I want to chow down on a T-bone. If it’s not okay for me, it’s not okay for a slaughterhouse. Asking someone else to do something immoral is immoral. If it’s not okay for me to break David Blaine’s hands so my magic show has less competition, it’s not okay for me to ask someone else to beat him up. Someone else doing your dirty work is still your dirty work.
If I had a gun, and I knew a murder was happening, (we’re speaking hypothetically here, I’m not asking you to believe that I could accurately tell a murder from aggressive CPR), I would use that gun to stop that murder. I might be too much of a coward to use a gun myself to stop a murder or rape or robbery, but I think the use of a gun is justified. I’m even okay with using force to enforce voluntary contracts. If I were a hero, I would use a gun to protect the people who choose to live under this free system and to stop another country from attacking America. But I wouldn’t use a gun to force someone to love something like say…a library.
Look, I love libraries. I spent a lot of time in the Greenfield Public Library when I was a child. I would give money to build a library. I would ask you to give money to build a library. But, if for some reason you were crazy enough to think you had a better idea for your money than building my library, I wouldn’t pull a gun on you. I wouldn’t use a gun to build an art museum, look at the wonders of the universe through a big telescope, or even find a cure for cancer.
The fact that the majority wants something good does not give them the right to use force on the minority that don’t want to pay for it. If you have to use a gun, it’s not really a very good idea. Democracy without respect for individual rights sucks. It’s just ganging up on the weird kid, and I’m always the weird kid.
People try to argue that government isn’t really force. You believe that? Try not paying your taxes. (This is only a thought experiment though -- suggesting someone not pay their taxes is probably a federal offense, and while I may be a nut, I’m not crazy.) When they come to get you for not paying your taxes, try not going to court. Guns will be drawn. Government is force.
It’s amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people yourself is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness. People need to be fed, medicated, educated, clothed, and sheltered. If we’re compassionate, we’ll help them, but you get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right. There is great joy in helping people, but no joy in doing it at gunpoint.
I’m a Libertarian nut because I don’t want my government to do anything in my name that I wouldn’t do myself.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
More Random News from the World
Top Notch Security by our
From the "No Sh*t Department" ... we have this.
But wait, Barney has a new plan. I'm sure THIS ONE will work out better......pure thievery.
Great QB, community servant, bad husband/father, Crazy woman. All the cheaters out there better be careful- I'm sure this story has them sweating. This story really pisses me off on so many levels.
Check the chop-shop. They may be stripping him down for parts. Can we move on from this now? Finally? Please?
And a nice long article on Leftist tactics and the mouth foaming hatred of Sarah Palin. For now, I think she made a mistake, but we'll see. I heard someone say on the radio the other day, that the problem conservatives (and libertarians, for that matter) have is that we don't see politics as our life or our religion, but the Progressives do. It is their reason for being; 24/7, everything relates to politics and nothing is sacred or off-limits. The ends just about always justify the means. How do you argue with that energy, drive, hatred, when all you want to do is enjoy your private life, family, friends, and working hard to succeed and provide a future for your kids?
If any combination of Cap N Trade, ObamaCare, Amnesty for Illegals and EFCA passes into law, I fear we are all done. Turn out the lights, the parties over.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
No More Green Guilt - By Keith Lockitch
Every investment prospectus warns that "past performance is no guarantee of future results." But suppose that an investment professional's record contains nothing but losses, of failed prediction after failed prediction. Who would still entrust that investor with his money?
Yet, in public policy there is one group with a dismal track record that Americans never seem to tire of supporting. We invest heavily in its spurious predictions, suffer devastating losses, and react by investing even more, never seeming to learn from the experience. The group I’m talking about is the environmentalist movement.
Consider their track record—like the dire warnings of catastrophic over-population. Our unchecked consumption, we were told, was depleting the earth's resources and would wipe humanity out in a massive population crash. Paul Ehrlich's 1968 bestseller, The Population Bomb, forecasted hundreds of millions of deaths per year throughout the 1970s, to be averted, he insisted, only by mass population control "by compulsion if voluntary methods fail."
But instead of global-scale famine and death, the 1970s witnessed an agricultural revolution. Despite a near-doubling of world population, food production continues to grow as technological innovation creates more and more food on each acre of farmland. The U.S., which has seen its population grow from 200 to 300 million, is more concerned about rampant obesity than a shortage of food.
The Alar scare in 1989 is another great example. The NRDC, an environmentalist lobby group, engineered media frenzy over the baseless assertion that Alar, an apple ripening agent, posed a cancer threat. The ensuing panic cost the apple industry over $200 million dollars, and Alar was pulled from the market even though it was a perfectly safe and value-adding product.
Or consider the campaign against the insecticide DDT, beginning with Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring. The world had been on the brink of eradicating malaria using DDT—but for Carson and her followers, controlling disease-carrying mosquitoes was an arrogant act of "tampering" with nature. Carson issued dire warnings that nature was "capable of striking back in unexpected ways" unless people showed more "humility before [its] vast forces." She asserted, baselessly, that among other things DDT would cause a cancer epidemic. Her book led to such a public outcry that, despite its life-saving benefits and mountains of scientific evidence supporting its continued use, DDT was banned in the United States in 1972. Thanks to environmentalist opposition, DDT was almost completely phased out worldwide. And while there is still zero evidence of a DDT cancer risk, the resurgence of malaria needlessly kills over a million people a year.
Time and time again, the supposedly scientific claims of environmentalists have proven to be pseudo-scientific nonsense, and the Ehrlichs and Carsons of the world have proven to be the Bernard Madoffs of science. Yet Americans have ignored the evidence and have instead invested in their claims—accepting the blame for unproven disasters and backing coercive, harmful "solutions."
Today, of course, the Green doomsday prediction is for catastrophic global warming to destroy the planet—something that environmentalists have pushed since at least the early 1970s, when they were also worried about a possible global cooling shifting the planet into a new ice age.
But in this instance, just as with Alar, DDT, and the population explosion, the science is weak and the "solutions" drastic. We are told that global warming is occurring at an accelerating rate, yet global temperatures have been flat for the last decade. We are told that global warming is causing more frequent and intense hurricanes, yet the data doesn’t support such a claim. We are warned of a potentially catastrophic sea level rise of 20 feet over the next century, but that requires significant melting of the land-based ice in Antarctica and Greenland. Greenland has retained its ice sheet for over 100,000 years despite wide-ranging temperatures and Antarctica has been cooling moderately for the last half-century.
Through these distortions of science we are again being harangued to support coercive policies. We are told that our energy consumption is destroying the planet and that we must drastically reduce our carbon emissions immediately. Never mind that energy use is an indispensable component of everything we do, that 85 percent of the world's energy is carbon-based, or that there are no realistic, abundant alternatives available any time soon, and that billions of people are suffering today from lack of energy.
Despite all of that, Americans seem to once again be moving closer to buying the Green investment pitch and backing destructive Green policies. Why don't we learn from past experience? Do you think a former Madoff investor would hand over money to him again?
It's not that we're too stupid to learn, it's that we are holding onto a premise that distorts our understanding of reality. Americans are the most successful individuals in history - even in spite of this economic downturn - in terms of material wealth and the quality of life and happiness it brings. We are heirs to the scientific and industrial revolutions, which have increased life expectancy from 30 years to 80 and improved human life in countless, extraordinary ways. Through our ingenuity and productive effort, we have achieved an unprecedented prosperity by reshaping nature to serve our needs. Yet we have always regarded this productivity and prosperity with a certain degree of moral suspicion. The Judeo-Christian ethic of guilt and self-sacrifice leads us to doubt the propriety of our success and makes us susceptible to claims that we will ultimately face punishment for our selfishness--that our prosperity is sinful and can lead only to an apocalyptic judgment day.
Environmentalism preys on our moral unease and fishes around for doomsday scenarios. If our ever-increasing population or life-enhancing chemicals have not brought about the apocalypse, then it must be our use of fossil fuels that will. Despite the colossal failures of past Green predictions, we buy into the latest doomsday scare because, on some level, we have accepted an undeserved guilt. We lack the moral self-assertiveness to regard our own success as virtuous; we think we deserve punishment.
It is time to stop apologizing for prosperity. We must reject the unwarranted fears spread by Green ideology by rejecting unearned guilt. Instead of meekly accepting condemnation for our capacity to live, we should proudly embrace our unparalleled ability to alter nature for our own benefit as the highest of virtues.
Let’s stop wallowing in Green guilt. It’s time to recapture our Founding Fathers' admiration for the pursuit of each individual's own happiness.
Keith Lockitch, PhD in physics, is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, focusing on science and environmentalism.
The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights is located in Washington, DC. It is a Division of the Ayn Rand Institute, whose mission is to advance Ayn Rand's ideas. To learn more go to
Nanny Wants More Control - as Usual.
If you can't read what it says, it is basically an "offer" from Duke to come out and install a "Power Manager" power meter (controller) on your A/C unit so that "when demand for power is especially high, the radio-controlled device turns your outdoor air conditioning unit off for only a few minutes each half hour...." (emphasis mine) This interruption "may occur between May 1 and September 30, Mon-Fri. But you can request to be excluded from the interruptions for one day each month. You have to request to control the temp in your own home!! And for handing over control of your A/C to Nanny, you get a $25 credit to your account! Does anyone believe that is a fair trade?? What price do you put on control of your own life and comfort? And this is only 1 of a growing list of ways Nanny is tightening her grip.
I like to keep my A/C on higher temps and use fans, open windows, etc. to save money. I do it by choice, in my own self-interest. I don't do it to "save the earth" or "reduce my carbon footprint." That may be a result of my action, and I'm fine with that. (even though I believe the global warming /climate change racket is the biggest con-job ever pulled)
Along the lines of government actions creeping over into and joining with the private sector is this group. USCAP, United States Climate Action Partnership, is a pretty scary group. The Other Mike S. has a good recap and breakdown here on his site, No Nanny State. My guess is that these companies are accomplishing three things by going this route. 1) They are going with public / government sentiment to try to stay alive, 2) get in the good graces with politicians so they don't get targeted more specifically (as if that is possible) with worse legislation, and 3) they see this as an opportunity to help craft the legislation in a way that allows them to survive / prosper and kick the crap out of their smaller competitors and scare off any start-ups from trying to compete with them. These companies will take a tax, fee, fine hit here in the US, but they'll just pass most, if not all of the cost increases on the consumer, and if they drive out competitors, they'll make up for the higher "cost" in increased market share and added revenue.
If you went to their home page and looked at the list of members, did you notice any companies you deal with? Did you see Duke Energy? Coincidence? I guess I can't really boycott Duke, unless I move out to the sticks and live "off the grid," but the others will definitely be getting less of my money. That is going to be a hell of a list to keep in my head.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Random Thoughts on the World's Craziness
This New Haven, CT firefighters case is ridiculous. These firefighters studied their asses off and passed a test that was created by specialty firm, hired by the city, then tested and validated to be an effective and accurate tool to determine who were the best of the bunch and who would make the best candidates for promotions. Why the hell did the city then penalize them for playing by the rules that they set? To avoid a "potential" lawsuit from civil rights groups. So they screwed one group of people to "help" another? Sounds like Barry redistributing the wealth.
Why didnt' the city stand up for itself when they were right? Unless they didn't want to be right, or they were plagued by "white guilt" like so many in government are. It is absolutely ridiculous.
I don't want people in critical positions in my own company who only got where there are through the help of a numbers game instead of on their own skill and merits. Not to mention jobs where lives can be at stake, such as police, firefighters, auto mechanics, pilots, construction workers, Supreme Court Justices....
Sotomayor is a self-admitted product of the affirmative action system. She claimed her test scores coming out of college were not the best, but she still got into a top law school. She said in the early 1990's that she is "...a product of affirmative action" and her "test scores were not comparable to my colleagues at Princeton and Yale." And now we find out this isn't the first time she's been on the side of the "oppressed." In the 1980's she helped hispanic police officers challenge a promotions exam in NYC while part of a Puerto Rican legal advocacy organization. Shocking!
Past colleagues and lawyers who have argued cases in front of her speak negatively of her professional demeanor and approach to cases, her opinions are described as short, weak, and poorly thought out. She has been accused of showing blatant disrespect to and belittling of lawyers. Her opinions lead to more centralized power with the Fed and less power for the states- exactly opposite of what the country needs now.
But alas, she will still get in because the Dems are blind to right and wrong, and the Repubs are weak and won't stand up for principle and the best for the nation. It won't change the make up of the court - Souter was no conservative or centrist. It is the next 1, 2 or 3 that Barry may get to appoint that will screw the country for decades.
More from across the vast web of news.
Story of the day - good for this homeowner, bad for the burglar. Ouch!
Barry waits over a week to say anything about the Iran uprising against dictators, but rushes to the teleprompter to speak out against the Honduras gov and military removing their President when he tried to grab power through unconstitutional additional terms in office. He is on the same side as Castro, Ortega and Chavez. Is anyone surprised by this?
Holy cow, I hope this isn't true, but you can put the pieces together and decide. What about this one? Pamela Gellar over at Atlas Shrugs is no nonsense. She puts it all out there to read and see.
All for now. I can't read anymore tonight. Sleep tight.
Self Defense and Home Security

The back story is that a woman was abducted and taken into this home where she was held captive and assaulted. The first officer responding could hear her screaming as he approached the house. He quickly decided to not wait for back-up and rammed the door with his shoulder. This cop is the brother of a coworker. Apparently, he’s a pretty big guy and his shoulder is still pretty bruised and sore a few days later. The woman was rescued and the bad guy is in custody.
Several points came to my mind regarding this story. First is, I should probably check my external doors to make sure the frames and/or walls won’t give way like this one did. Obviously this was an older house and not very well taken care of, but how many older homes out there were flipped to look pretty nice and may or may not have had much, if any updating / securing done to the doors.
Other thoughts: Quick reactions are critical. This cop didn’t know what was going on in that house and waiting for back up could have been a really bad decision for the woman inside. But, if you are not trained properly, going it alone in any situation can be an equally bad decision for the responder or you if a similar position. Obviously you won't necessarily have the choice to wait for support in most situations, so quick decisive action is a must. I don't know how this woman was abducted, but more than likely if you give in early to a kidnapper and they move you, it's bad news. They aren't moving you for any reason other than to protect themselves from outside eyes seeing what they intend to do. You're better off fighting and every study I've seen supports that.
Second, be aware of your surroundings and people acting strangely. One should always try to stay out of questionable situations or parts of town, etc. There are four levels of readiness: Unaware, Aware, Alert and Alarm. It’s no good to go through life on Alert or Alarm as this would seriously erode your quality of life and make you nuts (if you aren’t already), but one has to be Aware. One good thing I’ve noticed about trying to maintain Awareness, is all the stuff you notice that you never would walking with your head down, with the iPod on, texting, etc. An expression I have heard several times (and ignored repeatedly in my youth) is that “nothing good ever happens outside after ten o’clock at night.” If you do happen to be out late, be sure to run your OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act).
Three: Acquaintances. I don’t know, or pretend to know, who the perpetrator was in this case. Most likely, though, it was an ex- or someone she knew. Avoiding sketchy characters will certainly reduce the odds that you’ll get caught up a bad situation. Random acts of violence aren’t always random. Another old axiom: “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
Four: Home security is not as simple as locking your doors, but that is an important step. Building in layers and zones of security is important. Keeping your hedges and trees trimmed away from doors and windows to limit hiding places for the bad guys, keeping on outside lighting at night (I’m guilty of not following this one), some combination of door locks, jams, alarms, etc., and a sturdy door frame. If your home is older or was mass-produced by certain builders putting up cookie cutter boxes should consider an inspection of their frames. Establish zones in and around your house and a plan for protecting your property and family. How do you want to confront someone standing on your lawn or in your car, if at all? What if they are stealing your TV and on their way out the door? Etc. etc.
Did I forget anything? Do I have something wrong? Let me know. I am always looking for suggestions, ideas and facts.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Minnesota, You Idots

Hollywood gave him the money and you guys put him in (though likely with the help of ACORN and definitely with the help of the courts. Now the Socialists, err, Democrats in the Senate have a filibuster proof majority. Bend over folks, the "change" can get kicked into high gear at anytime (assuming it isn't already- I "hope" not). This guy is not qualified, has no sense of rational thought and will vote the Party line without even thinking.
Isn't the Senate supposed to be one of, if not the most, respected bodies in the nation? And no this clown is a member? Too bad it isn't funny.
Have to go scrub my eyes with a brillow pad now.
Ratings Bonanza
HANNITY 2,345,000
GLENN BECK 2,053,000
What does this say about the American folks and where they choose to go for news? I could have done without all the Jacko coverage and I think Fox lost some points in that ridiculous frenzy of coverage.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Traitorous 8
Coming from the email link for the first time....
We knew pretty much what to expect from the Dems. But 8 House Repulicans, too?
Arlen Spector must be so proud.
These are the 8 pieces of waste politicians who should use this Congressional break, to actually talk to their constituents and find out how many really back on this horrendous capNtax bill they just let through. And then beg for forgiveness. Which they may get, but no more votes for re-election.
Bono Mack (CA)
Castle (DE)
Kirk (IL)
McHugh (NY)
LoBiondo (NJ)
Lance (NJ)
Reichert (WA)
Smith (NJ)
Don't forget about these losers when you're paying more for your electricity, natural gas, gasoline, food, clothes, cars, airline tickets, tires, building materials, fertilizer, property taxes, etc etc etc. Everything! This is an economy and job killer.
Even if you can't vote against them in 2010, donate to their opponents in the Primary.
I think I'm going to be sick.
Quick! Look Over Here....
Never cared for Farrah, but can't say I watched her much. Maybe she was hot in her younger days. Beauty fades and from what I saw, she turned out to be nuts. Remember her appearance on Letterman years back?
As for MJ, I can't say I care much. Nobody, including me, ever wishes for, or rejoices in someone's demise, but..... is anyone surprised? He made good music, but his personal life was nuts and he may or may not have spent "alone time" with little boys. I can't respect that and I can't pretend to get all broken up over his death. And to top it all off, he was reportedly in debt to the tune of a "measly" $400M!!!! WTF???!?? He sold 61M albums in the US alone! How many people is he screwing over via this debt? Bye bye to all his music rights, his home, cars, cash on hand, furniture, art, dishes, bath towels, toothbrush, old noses, etc.
The media fawns and crowds weep. Meanwhile, back on the Hill, our duly elected distinguished leaders in the House took another step to royally screw the country (mainly taxpayers and businesses w/ out connections) with the Crap and Tax bill. Where is the media on this? UCLA med center trying to find out what MJ's last meal was. The utter dumbing down of our society is leading to the ruination of the country. Hopefully, nobody will die when ObamaCare or EFCA come up for a vote. Or God forbid there be a rainstorm, or a celebrity cat fight.
Can we talk about the N Korean's and their nukes? Can we talk about China looking to dump the dollar and not buy our debt any longer? The trillions we're printing? Harold Koh got confirmed by the Senate - anyone hear about that? He's a bad dude and, like Barry, wants to "transform" the nation. But, we lost MJ and Farrah ON THE SAME DAY!!!! OMG! For sure! What a joke.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Something New - Daily Reads
A little surprising when you consider all the monthly dues they rake in, but they did spend a TON of cash to get Barry et al into power. The union-owned golf course/country club in Michigan (for leaders, of course) is up to it’s eyes in debt too.
Ten-year notes didn’t sell too well, huh? No surprise – are you confident in the US gov / the dollar, enough to go 10-years long? 4% is considered high? I’d need something closer to 6 or 8% to even consider plunking my money down. 30-year bonds up for sale on Thursday. We’ll see how well that goes over.
Twenty years he spent as a member of this guy's church (but really, how often did he attend?) "Show me a man's friends, I'll show you who he is" or something along those lines.
USA Today - more good news.
Oil climbs
Are they F*%&^ing serious with this? I don’t even know what to say about this one.
Some perspective on Barry's cost cutting in the budget from a few weeks back. I meant to put the video on here when I first found it, but I can't figure out how to post video on here in the 5 minutes I normally spend looking each time I think of it. Lack of an attention span is a kicker.
Michelle Malkin is hosting a little "contest" for the best "Photoshopped" Obamacare posters, most spun off of the old wartime morale boosting posters. I think these are my favorite 2 so far.

Nanny to own big stake in Citi. I think this was part of the power play all along w/ the preferred shares.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Nothing Much to Say Lately
Snopes says this letter from Lou Pritchett to President Barry is the real deal....
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' crowd and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
About Lou Pritchett: Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America's true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in change management. Lou changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as "partnering." Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made corporate history.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Another Good Weekend, Come and Gone......
I made a point to try and avoid the news - TV, radio, internet - all weekend, but finally broke down this evening. Damn, it never lets up, does it? Tiller's murder today in KS is not a good thing for the country and obviously not for him and his family. Let the left-wing loonacy commence. GM is off to bankruptcy-land tomorrow - 6-7 months and tens of billions of dollars too late.
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Great Article and My Ramblings
"Burke and Obama" by Thomas Sowell
The other day I sought a respite from current events by re-reading some of the writings of 18th century British statesman Edmund Burke. But it was not nearly as big an escape as I had thought it would be.
When Burke wrote of his apprehension about "new power in new persons," I could not help think of the new powers that have been created by which a new President of the United States -- a man with zero experience in business -- can fire the head of General Motors and tell banks how to run their businesses.
Not only is Barack Obama new to the presidency, he is new to running any organization. One of Burke's fears was that "we may place our confidence in the virtue of those who have never been tried."
Neither eloquence nor zeal was a substitute for experience, according to Burke. He said, "eloquence may exist without a proportionate degree of wisdom." As for zeal, Burke said: "It is no excuse for presumptuous ignorance that it is directed by insolent passion."
The Obama administration's going back and forth on the question whether American intelligence agents who forced information out of captured terrorist leaders will be subjected to legal jeopardy, even though they were told at the time that what they were doing was not only legal but a service to the nation, came to mind when reading Burke's warning about the dangers of continuing to change the rules and values by which people lived.
Burke asked how we could expect a sense of honor to exist when "no man could know what would be the test of honour in a nation, continually varying the standard of its coin?"
The current drive to take from "the rich" for the benefit of others came to mind when reading Burke's warning against creating a situation where "any one description of citizens should be brought to regard any of the others as their proper prey."
He also warned that "those who attempt to level, never equalise." What they end up doing is concentrating power in their own hands-- and Burke saw such new powers as dangerous, even if they were used only sparingly at first.
He said, "the true danger is, when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients and by parts." He also said: "It is by lying dormant a long time, or being at first very rarely exercised, that arbitrary power steals upon a people."
People who don't like "the rich" or "big business" or the banks may be happy that President Obama is sticking it to them. But such arbitrary powers can be turned on anybody. As Robert Burns said: "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." There was a lot of wisdom in the 18th century.
The Constitution of the United States set out to limit the powers of the federal government but judges have greatly eroded those limitations over the years and the dispensing of bailout money has allowed the Obama administration to exercise powers that the Constitution never gave them.
Edmund Burke understood that, no matter what form of government you had, in the end the character of those who wielded the powers of government was crucial. He said: "Constitute government how you please, infinitely the greater part of it must depend upon the exercise of the powers which are left at large to the prudence and uprightness of ministers of state."
He also said, "of all things, we ought to be the most concerned who and what sort of men they are that hold the trust of everything that is dear to us." He feared particularly the kind of man "whose whole importance has begun with his office, and is sure to end with it"-- the kind of man "who before he comes into power has no friends, or who coming into power is obliged to desert his friends." Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and others came to mind.
The biggest challenge to America -- and to the world -- today is the danger of Iran with nuclear weapons. President Obama is acting as if this is something he can finesse with talks or deals. Worse yet, he may think it is something we can live with.
Burke had something to say about things like that as well: "There is no safety for honest men, but by believing all possible evil of evil men, and by acting with promptitude, decision, and steadiness on that belief." Acting -- not talking.
Now my comments......
I am always amazed when I hear people today dismiss thinkers from history, saying that "they aren't relevant anymore" or "times have changed," or "we are more enlightened now." Alot of these comments are directed at the Constitution and anything that might be related to morals, ethics, honor, justice, etc. Activist judges, politicians and other "leaders" want us to "evolve" and see the Constitution as a "living document."
They have no problem taking rights away - from certain groups - as they see fit, and possibly turning over rights and our sovereignty to the U.N. It is incredible how far we've moved away from the original foundation of the country thus far, but there is still quite a bit they can do - and they are trying. The growth of government over the past few administrations is ridiculous (both Bush's and Clinton included). Look at all the departments and "czar" appointment positions that have been created. (I had this written out and then I saw Beck on a tape delay, and he counted 14 "czars" now! Absolutely, f--in' ridiculous.) The Fed government is amassing power to the -nth degree every year / week / day and there is no end in sight.
The whole thing is a mockery, a travesty, a sham, etc. The circus that was the "Climate Change Hearing" where Chairman Waxman hired a damn speed reader to read the BS 900+ page bill. The arrogance is amazing. I'm starting to believe we need to wipe the whole lot of them out of Washington. I could possibly think of 10-15 Reps and Senators who I trusted to stay around passed their current term.
Senators......Demint(CS), Kyl(AZ), and Sessions(AL)? Maybe....
Reps.....Flake(AZ), Hunter(CA), Pence(IN), Bachmann(MN), Shuler(NC), Paul(TX), Poe(TX), Chaffetz(UT), and Ryan(WI). For some reason I guess I trust Reps more? Or is it just that there are so many more of them? I'll have to think about this list, but at first blush, it seems to be it. The only way I think it would change is by subtraction. Pretty sad state of affairs.
One last thing that pissed me off this week, and it is related. When you talk about government taking more and more control, anyone who tries to argue this, I believe, is either completely ignorant, a total idiot, or has a job in government. "Global warming" is a prime example. They claim that the science is settled and refuse to debate the facts and data with anyone who has real knowledge on the topic. Waxman said he relied on the UN scientists to write the climate bill. What about the 30,000+ scientists who disagree w/ the UN findings and reports???
So, Crazy-eyes Pelosi ran over to China to talk about "climate change." (And of course you've noticed that they don't call it global warming anymore, since the Left using the old trick of changing the name of things to distract and divert attention and change the topic when they see they are losing. ) And for clarification, Nancy rode her private government jet to China. Did Al Gore say anything about her "carbon footprint" on this one? Did he say anything when Barry flew AF1 to Colorado to sign his bill with the solar panel folks? Not very green, guys.......
Again, I digress. Nancy said "I do see this opportunity for climate change to be ... a game-changer. It's a place where human rights — looking out for the needs of the poor in terms of climate change and healthy environment — are a human right." Then she said, "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility." Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there Big Nance. Back it up. People don't want government controlling their thermostat, regulating what days you can drive, how far, what you'll eat, etc. Contrary to what Colin Powell said recently, Americans don't want more government. The GM and Chrysler take over / bankruptcies are a way to dictate what cars are made available for sale - and of course give back to the unions for all of their election support - but I've gone through that whole thing already.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
There is alot going on in the world these days that I wish I had time to write about. I guess it is always that way. Cheney ripping Barry's BS speech and all its faulty logic, Pelosi trying her damnedest to bury herself and her career (this woman is a trainwreck), the continuing saga of the government shutdown of GM and Chrysler- screwing those out of favor and rewarding the illegitimate, China pulling back from the Dollar and US securities (very scary stuff), State's Rights bills pending and passed across the country, the voters of Kaahlifornia giving Ahhnold and the corrupt politicians and big FU on several propositions..... and on and on and on...... I don't have the time or the energy.
I've been on a reading spree over the last 10 days. I just wrapped up Rule Number Two yesterday. It was an intense and emotional read; it really brought home the feelings of what Memorial Day is all about. I recommend it, which is why I added it to the reading list to the right, even if you think you can't handle a book set mostly in a US military hospital in Iraq. It is fairly short and easy to ready by the style it is written. The stories are moving.
So as you go through the weekend, keep in mind all those who gave everything (and those who are putting their lives on hold now to protect us) so we could indulge ourselves on bratwurst, burgers, etc.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Free Help?
The government doesn't give anything for free. There are usually more than tax in place or coming to cover the cost. Education isn't free, whether it's grammar school where property is generally taxed, state/Federal loans come with interest and now Barry wants the gov. to take over the whole student loan market. If you want a loan for college, you're going to have to give a few years in "public service" (read "Youth Corps" or "Brown Shirts"). Welfare and government housing aren't totally free. The gov. wants something in return or wants to tell you how to live. In most areas, guns are prohibited in public housing complexes. Can anyone explain the rationale there, let along the legality? The NRA just settled a lawsuit in January of this year with the San Francisco Housing Authority which had a inserted a clause in their lease ducments that banned guns in the public housing residences. They have agreed to remove the provisions and admited that they are not lawful. Score one for the good guys.
Personally, I think this can apply to other areas of life as well. I do not like being in debt to others, especially financially. I believe the adage that "the borrower is slave to the lender."
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Barry Loves Big Labor
No shit, really? A lawyer for the SEIU and AFL-CIO? I said it before, it's all about payback now.
And how about this little piece of info that hasn't gotten much, if any reporting - Barry decided that the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) in the U.S. Department of Labor can do without $4M of it's 2009 budget for 2010, a decrease from $45M to $41M. For anyone who doesn't know, this is the government agency that investigates fraud, embezzlement, etc. by union leaders and officials. It's a good thing that corruption is not a serious issue anymore in Big Labor. Did I miss that goernment report? It must have been released on a Friday afternoon.
Check out the link to this story over at Atlas Shrugs for a very solid rundown of the stories linking Barry w/ the SEIU and ACORN.
Lone Survivor - Marcus Luttrell
I have never been one to seek out people to meet, talk to, listen to, gawk at, etc. This was the first book event I’ve ever attended and the first time I’ve waited in line just shake someone’s hand. I am glad I took advantage of the opportunity and honored to have traded a few words and a handshake with him. For those who say there aren’t American Heroes anymore (does anyone still say that?), I say they need to read this book and meet this man if they have the chance.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Barry's Disdain for America
You could see it during the campaign when he repeatedly stated that he wanted to fundamentally "transform" and "change" America. Anyone who loves their country does not want to see it transformed. Improved upon, sure, but not transformed. Dennis Prager has written some great pieces on this issue, and honestly, is who I read to form this opinion. Mr. Prager has the best political and social commentary on American radio today. If he's not on in your market, you can stream his show online (12-3p) or join his site and get podcasts.
Back to Barry. I believe he is an amalgamation of left and radical left figures from throughout history. I do not think he has a single core belief or principle, but only acts as the social and political zealot playbook tells him he should act. He is not a religious man with a strong foundation of character as W. had (like him or not). This was obvious during the campaign and in reviewing his life history and voting record in Illinois and the US Senate. But look at how much he pressed that he was an avid church-goer, albeit not to a church most would recognize as one, but in the fact that he never joined a church or attended more than maybe one service in his first several months in office. He was in DC the whole time and never made it? I don't mind that he didn't go (I wish I could say I attended church more often), but why did he profess so strongly that he had a great church attendance record? It's all part of the facade; the illusion; the mask.
Glenn Beck asked this week if anyone had given much thought to what the country will look like later this year, or at the end of Barry's first term, given all the legislation he's passed and spending he's pledged - not to mention what he still wants to do. I fear we will not recognize the America of 2008 in 2012.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Feel Good Story of the Day
I love the way the one POS dirtbag started yelling for someone to call the police to come and help him. One less bad guy in the world. Too bad one girl was injured, but I'm sure she's glad to be alive.
The student who acted and ended the situation is a friggin' hero. Buy that man a drink.
EFCA = "Barry and The Gang Screw the Country and American Business in Order to Pay Back Big Labor for all the Campaign Contributions....Act
And the next payments are being drafted with the royal screwing of the primary stakeholders / creditors along with the American taxpayers in the proposed auto bankruptcy deals. O'bama is calling the creditors and tier 1 stakeholders "speculators" and is giving the UAW BILLIONS in cash, a major equity stake, the right to appoint a Board member, etc. It is good to have friends in high places.
So back to EFCA, aka "card check." Here's how it currently works - the short version:
A union decides to target a business. They can "Salt" the job with paid union organizers to get inside, or just hang out on the outside and get access to employees during non-working hours. The union gets enough employees to sign these cards in order to ask for recognition by the company or take a petition to the NLRB. This isn't the worst thing in the world because, as an employer, you are able to launch an information campaign to combat the lies and half-truths told by the union reps. It goes to an election WITH SECRET BALLOTS and if the union gets the votes, there is still no mandate to reach an agreement through negotiations.
Now, if/when card check is passed the unions only need to get 50% + 1 of the workforce or bargaining unit to sign the cards; and there are no expiration date on the cards. Cards signed before EFCA passes could theoretically be saved for use later on down the road. The union reps will be able to say whatever they want, or do whatever they want, to get the targeted employees to sign cards indicating that they are interested in being represented by the union. They can use intimidation, coercion, at lunch, after work, in the parking lot, at the bar, the grocery store, church, your kid's little league game, your house. Employees may sign for any reason - bad day, family problems, lies, fear, to be part of the crowd, don't want to get left out, or to get the harassment of them and their family to stop, etc. You don’t think harassment will take place? You don’t think fraud will take place?
Once the union gets the 50% +1, the game is over. No election, No Secret Ballots. No counter-campaign, no election, you are off to bargaining. Isn’t the right of casting your vote in privacy something we hold sacred in this country? Do Barry, his henchmen and all the Big Labor bosses want the poll workers to start going door to door to “ask” you to fill out your local and state ballots while a couple thugs stand behind them. The intimidation factor on this is huge! But whatever they can do to help the unions and screw business is just fine with them.
After the union gets the 50% + 1 you have 90-120 days to bargain. That might as well be a day. Nothing ever gets done that fast. If no deal is reached, both sides are subject to binding arbitration. So really, what the hell is the motivation for the union to bargain, at least with any semblance of good faith? They know Barry and his boys are waiting to set the deal in their favor! So they sit on their hands, or thumbs, and wait for the Federally mandated - and selected - arbitrator to swoop in, feign listening, and lay out the deal that will be in force for 2 YEARS! Some lawyer, or worthless bureaucrat, who has no idea about your industry, your company, your competitors, yours costs, your business hurdles, etc. will have final say on how you do business, what you pay, what you offer in benefits, time off, discipline process, etc. The companies that get hit with this first, will be at a serious disadvantage in the marketplace. Their only hope will be to hold on for dear life long enough to see all their competitors placed under the same disadvantages by this cluster of a process.
But here is the kicker – many union members don’t agree with EFCA. It is mostly the government and union leaders. Even some national politicians like Diane Feinstein and Arlen Specter have said they don’t support EFCA…. “in it’s current form.” Of course a few wording adjustments and they’ll fall right in line and claim it was changed or that it’s a new version, or even the old favorite, that it was a bi-partisan effort. Let’s all get ready to take it up the ….. again.