A little surprising when you consider all the monthly dues they rake in, but they did spend a TON of cash to get Barry et al into power. The union-owned golf course/country club in Michigan (for leaders, of course) is up to it’s eyes in debt too.
Ten-year notes didn’t sell too well, huh? No surprise – are you confident in the US gov / the dollar, enough to go 10-years long? 4% is considered high? I’d need something closer to 6 or 8% to even consider plunking my money down. 30-year bonds up for sale on Thursday. We’ll see how well that goes over.
Twenty years he spent as a member of this guy's church (but really, how often did he attend?) "Show me a man's friends, I'll show you who he is" or something along those lines.
USA Today - more good news.
Oil climbs
Are they F*%&^ing serious with this? I don’t even know what to say about this one.
Some perspective on Barry's cost cutting in the budget from a few weeks back. I meant to put the video on here when I first found it, but I can't figure out how to post video on here in the 5 minutes I normally spend looking each time I think of it. Lack of an attention span is a kicker.
Michelle Malkin is hosting a little "contest" for the best "Photoshopped" Obamacare posters, most spun off of the old wartime morale boosting posters. I think these are my favorite 2 so far.

Nanny to own big stake in Citi. I think this was part of the power play all along w/ the preferred shares.
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