Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The List

I have had a list in my head of people, places, stores, etc. that I choose not to visit, give my money to, etc. Some I think you'll find pretty obvious; others, maybe not, but I have my reasons. They're my reasons, so they are all good ones.

Keep in mind, this is an ever growing list and this list is unfortunately not complete, since I've never listed the names anywhere outside of my not small head (according to my son's pediatrician).

Applebee's, Chili's, Friday's, Pizza Hut, CNN, Donald Trump
GE (and all subsidiaries including NBC, MSNBC, etc.), Stephen King, Sean Penn
Susan Sarandon (except Bull Durham), Tim Robbins (except Bull Durham and Shawshank)
Danny Glover, GM, Chrysler, Bank of America, Citigroup
The entire states of California, Massachusettes, Kentucky and New York

Any suggestions of people, places I might have forgotten? I'll update as I remember.

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