The first thing about this report that really hacks me off is the VERY FIRST line of the "Key Findings" section: "The DHS....has no specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits..." The report then states that the economic downturn and the election of Obama "present unique drivers....."
Then the report attacks returning military personnel as a danger, citing the 1995 OKC bombing by McVeigh. Dispicable.
After reading the report, I think I may someone they are warning me about. Let's analyze...
Conservative political views - yes.
3rd Party support - not yet.
Constitutional principles - of course.
Support state's rights - yep.
Out of control Federal Gov and overspending - even a doubt?
Gun owner - right again.
Favor control of our borders against illegal immigration - always.
Mililtary vet - no, but I certainly support them.
We know can put a few puzzle pieces together. The new Administration doesn't want to call the radical Muslim terrorists terrorists, they won't use the phrase global war on terror, they want to get snuggly with Castro, Chavez, Putin and talk to Kim of N. Korea and Ahmadine-jihad of Iran. But, if you love your country, and the basic principles it was founded on, and want to see it grow strong and secure again, the US government needs to watch you. I'm sure they were watching all the tea party protesters last week. Don't these folks look dangerous?

Oh, OK, I get it. The backtracking by Janet Napolitano after this report has been laughable. How this woman got this job, when she couldn't even control her state's border, is a disgrace and she needs to go. She knew about the report and what it said and she supported it. Now she's suggested that terrorists have been coming across the nothern border from Canada as well....and more backtracking and correcting.
Do we really have 4 more years of this?
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